Success for Swix!
The Nordic World Championship was a great success for Swix.
It was highly dominated by Norwegian athletes, and also at times very demanding track conditions. The equipment turned often out to be the difference between gold and silver medals.
The Championship had an amazing opening with Northug and Bjørgen’s gold medals in the sprint competition, both using our famous Swix Triac®2.0 poles. In addition we could reveal this year’s Swix WC-glove that day, the symbol of being the World’s best skier.
There were more gold medals to come further on in the Championship, and our golden poleholders? Cleats? Were handed out daily. There is no coincidence that 21 og 28 possible gold medals were won/ahieved with the Swix Triac®2.0 pole.
This is really having “Your winning margin”. “Your winning margin” has never been more relevant/accurate?
We proudly congratulate all Swix athletes with an amazing championship.