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Sunday 12/17-2017
Location: Fort Kent Outdoor Center, Fort Kent, ME

Eastern Cup Opener - Classic Distance
Glide wax recommendations
Base Layer- CH4X, iron in at 155C, let cool, scrape and brush out with Steel or Bronze Brush and polish with White Nylon Brush.LF Layer- LF4X, repeat steps above.
HF Layer- HF4X, repeat steps above.
Cera F Layer- FC6XS Cold Turbo Solid, rub on, rotofleece in and brush out with Horsehair or Wild Boar brush, polish with Blue Nylon Brush.
Kickwax recommendations
Roughen kick zone with 120grit sandpaper.Binder Layer- VG35 Green Base Binder, apply one layer, iron in at 115C, smooth with cork and let cool outside 5-10 minutes.
Kicking Layer- VR30 Light Blue, 3-5 layers, apply each layer and cork smooth.