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Double Pole Derby
Glide wax recommendations
Base layer - CH4xGlide layer - CH4x or LF4x
Fluor layer - no Cera F fluor is advised in these bitter cold conditions.
Additive - CH3 may be added as an additional hardener
Notes: iron in CH4 with your iron set at 150 Celsius. When the CH4 is liquid, you may sprinkle in CH3 and then blend the two waxes together.
It may take 6 or more passed of the iron to melt CH4. It's hard! Which is good.
After the ski has fully cooled, scrape, then make 3-4 passes with the fine steel brush. Follow up with the medium bronze brush and the nylon brush. Finish with a horse hair brush and the blue polishing brush.
After skiing during warmup, rebrush with the horse hair and blue polishing brush.
A dedicated cold grind ski with numerous layers of cold wax is advised.
Kickwax recommendations
Binder - VG35Kick wax - VR30
Cover wax - V05 Polar
Sand kick area with 120 grit (if needed). Use a sanding block, going along the length of the kick zone and stay about 1/2" back from ends of kick zone.
Iron in VG35, let cool and cork smooth.
Apply VR30, corking each layer.
Final kick layer should be V05 Polar, corked smooth.