Saturday 31/01-2015
Location: Steamboat Springs Touring Center, Steamboat Springs, CO
Cross Country
Steamboat Stampede
Glide wax recommendations
Base Layer: CH8XLF Layer: LF8X
HF Layer: HF8X
Cera F Layer: FC8X Cera F Powder
Top Coat Layer: FC8X Solid Warm Turbo Block covered with HVC Warm Liquid.
Note, if not using Cera F powder, apply Top Coat layer after scraping and brushing HF8X.
Kickwax recommendations
Binder Layer: VG35 (one layer ironed in)Kicking Layer: VR55N (3-5 layers)
Note, if more kick is needed, try 1-2 layers of VR62. If more glide is needed, apply one thin layer of VX53 over the VR55N.